
Saturday 26 November 2011


After doing our audience research we changed our concept. We found that our original idea was quite boring and repetitive and this is what we didn't want. Therefore, we decided to add a narrative element into our piece and we chose to get rid of one of the performance sections. We wanted to keep the black background so we could experiment with strong lighting so we decided on dropping the white performance scene. We also wanted to keep the walking scene as this was our original concept.
For our narrative, we have decided to do flashbacks of the artist and a male before they split up. This allows the audience to have an insight into what the song is about. We have chosen to do three different flashbacks...
1. In a pub where they are playing pool.
2.In a living room where they are watching tv.
3.In a kitchen where they are eating dinner.

We wanted the performance of our piece to be the strongest part and therefore the chorus of the piece is mainly the performance parts.

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