
Tuesday 25 October 2011

Test Shots

From these experiments we decided that there were a few shots that we would definitely use in our music video. The first is the extreme  close up of her mouth whilst she is singing. We especially like this when the camera is tracking also. We think this will be ideal for the techno sounding section of our song as we think this will look really effective. 
As well as this, we like the extreme close-up to the microphone with the quick track to the artists face. We think this will be ideal for the beginning of the song when she starts to sing as the first lines are very strong.

Other ideas for shots include having a strong light behind the artist. We are not sure whether this should be artificial light or the sun. However, we like the idea of the strong lighting especially on a black background.
Another idea is to have the background of the shots change but the artist stay in the same position throughout. The inspiration for this was taken from a short film we found on vimeo called move.
We understand however that this might not be suitable for the whole music video as it is very fast paced and we wouldn't be able to show the artist performing or a narrative. Therefore, we think it would be good to use for the connection between the verse and chorus.

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