
Tuesday 20 September 2011

Our Plan...

In order to stay on schedule throughout our project, we have devised a plan which shows the order we need to complete tasks in. Hopefully, this will allow us to be on target at all times when making our music video...


- Initial ideas of what kind of artist(s) and song to use. (mind map)

- Audience Research (questionnaire, graphs, analysis, spoken interviews)

- Choose an artist and a song, and show why we came to the descision (Prezi)

- More exsisting video research, more specific (written) 

- Analyse song feed back (short clip on the mac of our discussion)

- Requesting email permission to use the song (print out of the email chain) 


- Casting (asking target audience, positives and negaives, audition)

- Decide if we want a narrative or a performance

- Decide on a setting/ settings

- Find the locations and check feasability of them (positives and negatives with pictures)

- Discuss ideas (group mic)

- Story board ideas (hand drawn storyboard)

- Audience feedback on storyboard, change if necessary (filmed interview)

- Photo storyboard and analyse (imovie with pauses)

- Anamatic storyboard (video clip)

- Outfit, makeup and hair ideas and experiments (pictures and videos)

- Camera Experiments and Shots (paused iMovie)

- Health and Safety (Prezi and videos/ group discussions

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